This offer is for a free domain name on the purchase of an email package with us that includes this offer.
This offer is on top of any email service purchase and is not part of that purchase.
The email service price does not include the domain name price, this is provided free and has no cash benefit, discount or refund if you do not take these services up, do not renew or we cancel them.
Any withdrawal of this free offer for any reason has no cash benefit, no refund and no other cash value.
The free domain name offer is for the life of the the email service you have with us.
We reserve the right to cancel/change or not provide this free service for any reason, at any time.
We will not allow any spam or fake type emails to be sent - if you do this we will cancel the service.
We will not allow any website that has illegal, offensive, abusive, non-moral, or adult only content or associations. We reserve the right to decide this. We will close and block any content we deem under this offer as not within public keeping.
If the email service is not renewed then the domain name will not work until the renewal is paid.
If not renewed, you lose all rights over the domain name and it remains our property. You have no right to move or transfer the name away from us, we may agree a transfer for a set fee.
It is your responsibility to renew the services, we will try to remind you. We offer no liability for a renewal not being done.